
Friday, June 8

Summer Starters

As I laid in bed this morning with a nasty stomach and feeling pity creeping up on me, I was so tempted to let a sad, needless depression come over me. But I decided to say FUCK THIS. And so here's my fresh start. I thought this blog was going to do that last year. But I didn't let it. And I'm sick of letting other things make up my life story. This morning a friend told me to quit telling myself lies and start telling a different story. This is that story.

So let's start with some goals. I'm going to copy Holly because, well, she's amazing. So here goes nothing...  

Travel + Social
I'm not much for traveling, so I'll focus on social goals this time around
-Visit Macey in Portland (in the works)
-Visit a friend in NC. I loved the area the first time I visited in college. A 6'2" redhead could only make things better!
-Join a meetup group and actually attend a gathering
-Host a gathering at my amazing apartment that I never invite anyone over to see
-Spend time with my dear (and married) friends  

Well, since it's summer, and I'm a teacher on summer break, I'm going to cheat and make most of these "work" goals
-Attend and successfully complete for PD credit the Common Core Standards conference next week
-Plan the entire year's lessons (along with a complete interactive notebook example for students)
-Write 2 quality assessments for each unit
-Research and write a parent communication manifesto (MUCH needed after this past year!)
-Attend Alive After Five and have fun (with or without friends)
-Write at least once a week on this blog. And make it prettier.  

My biggest struggle to control right now. Let's think positively!
-Two week green smoothie fast (Started one this spring, but failed. Need to do this relatively soon, as training mileage, and therefore appetite, will increase soon.)
-Return to paleo (You'll feel better, girl! Just do it!)
-Buy something food related at the farmer's market downtown
-Cook and freeze lunches for going back to school this fall  

Health + Fitness
So many goals already met! Ok, there's still progress to make...
-Go ALL OUT for every workout, starting today! (I've been slacking a little. Feeling tummy sick, so maybe not today...)
-Keep my training schedule for Team in Training. (See above comment...)
-Run at least a 10k race before October (marathon date!)
-Buy new running shoes. Mine have seen lots of love and could be upgraded.
-Hold the straight arm hang in correct position for an entire 60 seconds (The pull up will be the death of me...)

Ok, I think that's good enough for now. Let's not get away with ourselves. This is mostly what I've been telling myself I'm going to do this summer. But now it's written down. And that makes it realer. And seems doable, but I have this tendency to underachieve. I hope this helps keep me on track. Here's to being happier this summer!

1 comment:

Motormouth Macey said...

Loved logging into my blogger account and seeing a new post by none other than, YOU!! I'm fully supportive of these goals and can't wait to read about them more. Love ya girlie!