
Thursday, January 10

Snow Day!

Snow day 2013! While I have done SOME work, in the form of grading (late) essays that were submitted online while in the comfort and warmth of the coffee shop within the closest walking distance to my house, it has thus far been a fairly relaxed morning. And I'm thankful for it.

The last few weeks have gone by fast and furious. Work, workouts, grading, and life has just seemed so full. And while it has been overwhelming in some ways, I have not been overwhelmed. I have never felt so content with the busyness that I feel. I think part of this is accepting that this is my life right now. I might not always be able to afford to spend every day at the gym with a trainer. I might not always have a job to wake up to go to. I might not always be able to stock my fridge and freezer with a month's worth of healthy food. And I might not always be able to count on hearing the voices and seeing the faces of people I love. But today, I can. And I'm going to cherish that.

Thank you, Jesus, for all of these blessings. And for the snow that has blanketed my city. It reminds me that you cover a multitude of sins and make even me new again.

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