
Tuesday, August 23

the demon

This thing we call blog, this conglomeration of thought and emotion and hypertext, is now another way to make money. I recently read an article in a local newspaper about how bloggers were being snatched up by corporate dollarmongers in order to further their advertising campaigns in yet another media. In another article, bloggers were paid as freelance media reps to blog the ideals, and mission of one or more companies for a fee.

The American dream has just reached a new level of low. Writing was always a way of expression, exploration, and admiration for the places and ideas that made the world what it is. A safe haven where modern day writers can find community and solace from the media which has overtaken their craft and tortured it into something unrecognizable, has now been reclaimed by that very same demon: money.

While I myself, must admit that to enter into a career where I can combine both my love and my talents seems advisable and charming, I wish not to fall prey to the demons which have trapt many in the nightmare of America's dream. There are other, perhaps more conventional, ways of earning your keep, while remaining mainstream and current with a small amount of creativity. In this one thing, I do not want to share. Words can mean many things. But we cannot know this if they are prepackaged and sold to the lowest bidder under a brand and a patent.

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